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How To Make 6 Figures Going From Corporate Exec To Small Business Retail Consultant

Changing paths in your career may seem like a difficult task, but creating a plan and understanding what you have to offer can make it easier. Some reasons people prefer small businesses to larger corporations because you are more likely to have a greater impact on a small business and build something with value that can create growth. Corporations on the other hand are more strict as they most likely have practices in place that they do not diverge from. 

By starting your own consulting business, you can become more financially independent, be strategic, and make your own plans. Some people prefer to moonlight and work a second job while making the switch as it is more low-risk because you are making money even if you don’t have consulting clients while starting out. 

During this time, if is best to prepare your consultancy by asking yourself these important questions:

  • What am I really good at?
  • What are my deliverables vs my experiences? In other words, what are things that I actually know vs things that I simply know about?
  • Did I actually contribute or was I just in meetings?

If you are one who has contributed and delivered favorable outcomes, figuring out your execution experience is key. Consultants are there for a particular reason and to provide a specific deliverable. They need to execute and follow-through, so understanding your niche and the exact deliverables that you are able to offer and produce for a customer will allow you to determine what to include in your business and revenue models. 

Having your ideas written and planned out also helps to not overpitch yourself or offer deliverables that you cannot obtain. In fact, you should be honest about the things that you cannot do so the people whom you are consulting will know exactly what to expect from your services. 

Once you know your deliverables, you need to pitch and position yourself while getting social proof of your work. This can be done by:

  • Setting up a structure for learning so you can understand exactly in what order you will consult in and know what works best for you and your deliverables. 
  • Being clear and honest about your newness and ask for feedback. You should never stop learning because you can always refine the information you share with others and refresh the sequence you work with. Each client is a new experience, so you are always learning from them as well. 
  • Marketing your business. Use platforms where you feel most comfortable, whether that is via videos, writing, or face to face. Just be authentic and trustworthy. 
  • Considering mentorships or working with an existing consultancy during the moonlighting process.

At Scaling Retail, we’ve helped launch and scale fashion retail businesses all over the world. Questions about building, launching, or growing your fashion business? Send an email to for a complimentary consultation.